What is THCA?
With the hype surrounding THCA products - it certainly would appear as an exciting new cannabinoid. However, that's just not the case. Humans have been enjoying the cannabinoid for thousands of years.
What is THCA?

THC-a, or Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, is the main chemical compound produced by type I THC dominant cannabis plants (weed, marijuana, pot, whatever you want to call them). In its raw form, THCa is non-psychoactive and may host an array of medical benefits. Once decarboxylated, aka smoked, THCa turns to Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, or what is commonly known as THC. The stuff that gets you high.
Cannabis plants naturally produce only the acid forms of cannabinoids in their flowers, THCa, CBDa, CBGa, CBDVa, THCVa, etc. Their is no mechanism in the plant for producing Delta 9 THC, or CBD, or CBG. Thats right, all THC dominant cannabis plants produce predominantly Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid - the "new" wonder hemp.
THCA to Delta 9 Conversion
Heat is the main catalyst that converts cannabinoids in their acid forms to THC, CBD, CBG, THCV, etc. Smoking, vaping, cooking, or heavy heat of any kind quickly converts THCa to Delta 9 THC, CBDa to CBD, etc.
Small amounts of conversions also occur in flowers while drying, trimming, and through rough handling and exposing to UV light. These amounts are small and will cover later.
What Is The Difference Between THCA and THC Flower?
Nothing. Freshly harvested cannabis flower that is rushed to a laboratory will often show virtually no Delta 9 THC, but high amounts of THC-a. This is because the THC-a has not been given the conditions to convert, or degrade. You can see an example below "THCA Hemp". It boasts almost 24% THC-a and 0.21% Delta 9 THC. It also wouldn't surprise me if the lab itself does a few favors to growers to keep the D9 levels low.
The minor amounts of THCA is converted into Delta 9 THC during harvesting, drying, trimming, curing, transport, and aging of THC flower are small, but still testable. Generally speaking a well cared for flower dried in temperatures below 70 degrees and handled gently will generally end up with between 0.5-1% testable Delta 9 THC.
Below is a sample result from THC flower grown at a recreationally licensed farm in Oregon. This flower was sold in state legal adult use cannabis dispensaries. It boasts 25.8% THCA and 0.5% Delta 9 THC. The difference between 0.3% and 0.5% is extremely small - not to mention pointless, when the goal is for people to smoke the flower and convert as much THCa as possible to Delta 9 before it goes into their lungs.
Is THCa Legally Considered Hemp?
No, and it certainly cannot be grown as hemp due to the fact that hemp farmers crops are tested for total THC 30 days before harvest, and THCA genetics produce lots of total THCa even early on. The ones growing it do so without a license, or in legal states. You can learn more about why you cannot grow THCA as hemp here.
What is Total THC?
Laboratories, when testing flower for THC levels use what is called total THC. This is what dispensary post on the packaging of flower and other products in legal states. Total THC is essentially total potential Delta 9 THC a flower is likely to contain after its decarboxylated/heated.
The calculation for total THC is (THC-a * 0.877) + Delta 9 THC. Almost the entire sum of the THC in THC flower is composed of THCA as can be seen in the COA's above.
Total THC is also what the USDA requires hemp growers test their plants for 30 days before harvest.
So THCA Is The Same As THC?
THC flower and seeds are the same as THCA flower and seeds. The THCA the masses have come to fall in love with is the same cannabinoid they already loved - just more available because of a legal loophole. While crafty vendors have figured out a quasi legal way to play the game, there are few difference between the finished products. Only products such as edibles, drinkables, and tinctures - where the material has already been decarboxylated and does require heating, will you find large amounts of Delta 9.
The THCA Loophole
If you would like a complete rundown of the legal loophole, and how vendors are playing the game, visit our blog here. Selling flower with high THC isn't technically federally legal, but it isn't stopping anyone.
Grow Your Own!
Love THCA? Grow your own. We've got a big lineup of feminized, stable, heavy producing varieties - including the industries first triploid cannabis seeds. If you've made it this far, use the code THCA at checkout for 15% off your order.