Lifter - the Queen of CBD Seeds - GTR Seeds

Lifter - the Queen of CBD Seeds

We can say with certainty, few cannabis varieties have ever covered as many acres as our heavy yielding CBD powerhouse, Lifter.  Enormous yields, consistent plants, high content, and fantastic flavors have led the variety into fields and farms across the nation and the world. From smokeable flower producers to high CBD biomass growers, the seeds have earned their reputation of greatness. And with a heartwarming story to its roots.

Lifter was named after the Mortgage Lifter heirloom tomato variety. It's namesake is a dedication to the our co-owners' mother, who is known across the Rogue Valley of Southern Oregon for her heirloom tomato starts.


Each year in the early spring she cultivates thousands of seeds to dole out to the community as robust tomato starts. Her greenhouse and off grid cabin sits high up on a remote mountainside, miles from civilization and often barricaded by downed trees and deep snowpack. Her dedication, resilience, and passion for life - coupled with an unconventional home setting wrought with challenge, left a deep impression on the Seth and Eric.

Her famous tomato starts spread sustenance and joy to all who grow them. Each plant like a 'ripple in the pond', she is certainly guilty of making the world a much better place for those around her. Thanks Lorri, we love you.

And Lifter is loved by those who grow her. We introduced the variety in 2018 and to this day are still our most sought after and award winning CBD seeds. From High Times Hemp Cup first's to clients who grow millions ever year, we know she's a special plant.

Field trials at universities across the US have demonstrated its prowess over all others in terms of overall production and high CBD content. It also known to stand tall against pests and pathogens across globe. Lifter's rapid flower onset sparks shortly after the equinox each summer, allowing farmers to have plants out of the field long before inclement weather in the fall. 

Economically speaking it's worth its weight. Extraction lab's ask for the variety by name and are eager to run any material they can get their hands on. The consistent high content material is not only considerably cheaper for extraction - the oil yields are exponentially higher than varieties with slightly lower content.

If you are looking for heavy producing high content CBD seeds for your fields or home garden, Lifter is the one.

Order feminized Lifter CBD seeds -->

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