Cannabis Grow Guides

Beginner's Guide To Starting Cannabis Seeds - GTR Seeds

Beginner's Guide To Starting Cannabis Seeds

Whether you are growing photoperiod CBD seeds, CBG seeds, THC seeds, THCV seeds or triploid seeds, we have the same basic recommendations. While not all...

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Easy Strains For Home Growers - GTR Seeds

Easy Strains For Home Growers

With over 74% of the US population living in states that allow for either recreational or medical cannabis use, and many countries world-wide following suite...

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When to Plant Our Seeds Outdoors - GTR Seeds

Cuándo plantar plántulas al aire libre.

Para productores  Para maximizar el rendimiento y el potencial de finalización temprana, es importante seguir algunas pautas importantes al trasladar las plantas al exterior durante...

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How To Start Our Seeds For Outdoor Grows - GTR Seeds

Cómo empezar a cultivar semillas para exterior.

Si bien los cultivadores confían en muchos métodos para iniciar sus plantas de cannabis, sabemos qué funciona mejor para nuestras semillas fotoperiódicas de finalización temprana...

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Find Your Adventure - Six Uplifting Seed Varieties - GTR Seeds

Find Your Adventure - Six Uplifting Seed Varieties

Light the fire and take off on your next epic outdoor excursion with our favorite uplifting varieties offered in seed form. Known as "sativa strains"...

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Hemp Flower Farming: The Three Main Markets - GTR Seeds

Hemp Flower Farming: The Three Main Markets

Over the last nearly decade the high cannabinoid hemp flower industry has diverged into three main sects. While it is possible for some overlap, the...

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The Challenges of Growing Autoflower Seeds - GTR Seeds

The Challenges of Growing Autoflower Seeds

  Autoflower, or day-neutral cannabis seeds have gained popularity among home growers and large scale cultivators due to their fast growth cycle. However, despite their...

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The Importance of Using Clean Potting Soil for Starting Cannabis Seeds - GTR Seeds

The Importance of Using Clean Potting Soil for Starting Cannabis Seeds

Growing cannabis from seed can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor. However, the foundation of a successful growth cycle begins with the choice of potting...

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How Many Seeds to Plant Per Acre? - GTR Seeds

How Many Seeds to Plant Per Acre?

  One of the critical considerations for farmers looking to maximize their yield is determining the optimal number of CBD seeds or CBG seeds to...

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Over Watering Cannabis - An Easy Mistake - GTR Seeds

Over Watering Cannabis - An Easy Mistake

When it comes to growing cannabis, one of the most common mistakes both novice and experienced growers make is overwatering. While plants need water to...

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The Ideal Climates for Growing Cannabis: A Comprehensive Guide - GTR Seeds

The Ideal Climates for Growing Cannabis: A Comprehensive Guide

Cannabis cultivation has seen a remarkable resurgence in recent years, with growers across the globe looking to harness its potential for medicinal and recreational use....

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Growing Cannabis Indoors - A Quick Guide - GTR Seeds

Growing Cannabis Indoors - A Quick Guide

Growing cannabis indoors in pots can be a rewarding endeavor, and it’s essential to consider a few key factors to ensure healthy plants and a...

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