DEA Declares All Cannabis Seeds Legally Hemp - GTR Seeds

DEA Declares All Cannabis Seeds Legally Hemp

Cannabis Seeds are Hemp Seeds

It is old news - and what helped us launch GTR Seeds in 2022 - but according to the DEA all cannabis seeds are legally considered hemp. Whether seeds would produce a variety high in THC or CBD - it really doesn't matter because the seeds themselves do not contain THCa, Delta 9, or virtually any other form of cannabinoid. To the DEA - all cannabis seeds are hemp - which is federally legal. And we like it that way.

This means, according to the federal government, anyone anywhere in the US can possess hemp seeds without fear of prosecution.  As there is virtually no testing that can be done on a seed to determine what the future plant would produce without destroying it - the rule makes sense. It would also be difficult for prosecution on the state level as hemp is once again federally legal.

The trouble begins when you start growing them. 

States with full prohibition will frown heavily on even a single cannabis plant - even if it's a low THC high CBD dominant variety. In adult use THC states such as Oregon, where all households are allowed to grow up to 4 plants, you can still only grow 4 plants. This includes even high CBD varieties unless you have a hemp license - and most states do have hemp programs. 

Ironically in states with hemp programs, where and what seeds you plant is heavily controlled. For example, licensed hemp farmers in Oregon must show invoices for where they purchased their seeds - or have tracking as to where they were produced. In states like Kentucky they have vast lists of varieties farmers can't even grow. 

For Oregon CBD this was also a problem because the state regulated who we could sell seeds to - and the list only included people with hemp licenses. In the past we were required to keep a license on file from everyone we sent seeds to. Now with cannabis seeds just considered a blanket hemp product it really opened things up and we no longer face the same regulation.

The European Union is another oddity where hemp seeds are legal. We have gained a big following among hemp farmers across Europe - but technically only E.U. certified seeds are allowed for cultivation. The years long process is costly, time consuming, and would require us to produce seeds in the E.U. We have yet to have a single variety in their catalog - but plenty of clients. Savvy farmers just call the seeds an approved variety and go from there.

With full legalization on the horizon - who knows what the future holds for seeds. Will the feds try to control the trade of all cannabis seeds regardless of their cannabinoid content? End up as another METRC nightmare? Or will seeds travel freely from state to state and hand to hand? Who knows. 


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