New Exotic CBD, CBG, CBDV, & THC Seeds - GTR Seeds

New Exotic CBD, CBG, CBDV, & THC Seeds

As the dust is finally starting to settle from our massive Lifter seed runs - the mother plants for our exotic new releases are inching closer to pollination time. We've got new flavors for both commercial cannabis cultivators and for home growers. Seeds on these runs will be more limited than others in the past. Expected releases are mid spring but will be sending out email updates with more information in the coming months.

New "Smelly" CBG Seed Lines

Breeding strong aromas into CBG varieties has been a goal for years - but our mother plants have proven almost impervious to gaining "terps." Thankfully, after sifting through thousands and thousands of plants we tracked down two parents with fierce aromas and huge production numbers. These will likely only be available in small quantities, but available as diploids and as triploids. Names and more data to come - but they will offer the high CBG content and extremely low THC content our CBG seeds have been known for. We are excited to get these out!

New Polyhybrid Triploid Seed Packs

Historically all of our work comes to market in the form of true to type F1 genetics. The consistency and vigor we see in F1's is hard to beat, especially for commercial growers. That said, we know everyone is looking for their own unique and exotic flavors for the market. We will be releasing a few new triploid F2 THC varieties that will allow growers to find their own unique keepers. Mothers on these lines are some of our favorites in the THC world from GMO to Bubba Kush and will be paired with our inbred and insanely productive autoflower for early flower initiation.

New Commercial Cannabis Varieties

For the CBD and THC growers out there, new flavors are necessary to stay afloat. We've got a pile of new triploids (at least 15) coming out that will check the new new boxes, while still offering the same consistency and production numbers growers have come to expect from our genetics. These F1's have stable parents that have been trialed and tested for years.

Low THC High CBDV and CBG Seeds

With the uncertainty surrounding the US farm bill, we know growers are worried about what will happen to the industry if every hemp flower on the market must remain below 0.3% total THC even as dried and trimmed flowers. Fortunately, we've got a few new CBDV varieties in the works that should be ready for spring sales. These not only produce solid amounts of CBDV, but also very low amounts of THC - generally around 0.25% if accurately tested.

Triploid THC Autoflower Seeds

These lines may not make it out by spring, but we will finally be offering some beastly THC autoflowers. In our trials we saw the biggest increases in production in triploid autoflowers compared to diploids. While auto's are a pain to grow, we think home growers will love these plants!


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