Rants, Raves, & Science
Cannabis Indica vs Cannabis Sativa: The Big Lie
Indica and Sativa are undoubtedly two of the most recognized terms in the cannabis world. These once-relevant, quasi-scientific classifications stemmed from the days when most...
Do Triploids Hermaphrodite?
We are thrilled to see so many growers trying out triploid seeds. The quality and production numbers that comes off of triploid cannabis plants is...
Can THCA Seeds Be Grown As Hemp?
With vendors and retailers masterfully playing the THCA loophole, hemp growers are still wondering where are the magic beans that make "hemp" with 30%+ THCA...
Why Don't We Say Marijuana?
Though virtually all of us at GTR Seeds got our start in the industry under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, you will rarely ever hear...
Fasciation in Cannabis Plants and Polyploidy
Fasciation - A Genetic Mutation One common misconception we hear from growers is when they refer to fasciated plants as polyploids or triploids. This general...
New Exotic CBD, CBG, CBDV, & THC Seeds
As the dust is finally starting to settle from our massive Lifter seed runs - the mother plants for our exotic new releases are inching...
CBG Breeding 101
As many have learned over the years, breeding CBG seeds is not as simple as CBD breeding. After discovering our first needle in the haystack...
DEA Declares All Cannabis Seeds Legally Hemp
Cannabis Seeds are Hemp Seeds It is old news - and what helped us launch GTR Seeds in 2022 - but according to the DEA all...
Still Out Here Making Seeds!
Despite the massive glut of cheap CBD seeds that hit the market after 2019 - we find ourselves once again packing greenhouses full of Lifter mothers...