How is THCV Produced? - GTR Seeds

How is THCV Produced?

Cannabis plants are often characterized by their chemotypes - what dominant chemicals they produce. While most are straight forward, a new published study has shown novel THCV is produced in a whole different manner than any other cannabinoids. Read on for a breakdown of cannabinoids and how they are produced - and the source of THCV.

Type 1 plants are known for their production of THC. This is fueled by the THCA synthase gene which often produces small amounts of other cannabinoids such as CBD and CBC. Think 0.1%-1%.

Type 2 plants produce a mixture of both THC and CBD, generally in around equal parts and are fed by the THCA and CBDA synthase genes. There are often very minor amounts of other cannabinoids as well. 

Type 3 cannabis produces high amounts of CBD and small amounts of THC - usually at ratios of around 20-28 parts CBD to 1 part THC. The CBDA synthase gene is responsible for the cannabinoid production - even the THC. You will never see a CBD flower without some THC. You will also see minor amounts of other cannabinoids again, such as CBC.

Type 4 cannabis is known for its high CBG production and extremely low THC production. It is produced as the result of a non-functioning THCA synthase gene. Essentially a THC plant with a rare mutation. These plants produce almost exclusively CBG with very very minor amounts of other cannabinoids. Because finding a plant with this rare mutation took many many years and millions of plants -almost all CBG varieties are linked to our original gene pool - think White CBG.

THCV on the other hand is a whole different ball game. In a groundbreaking new study authored in part by our Co-Founder Seth Crawford, it was discovered that THCV is actually produced by fatty acid's produced in the cannabis plant - and there is no direct gene responsible for it's production. More specifically it is linked to the length of a chain of fatty acids. This study also goes into some very interesting research on the different genetic makeups of cannabis across the globe. Its definitely worth checking out! We also have to gloat a little as there is a certain seed company backed by millions of investor money that recently patented a gene they claim is responsible of THCV production - and they missed. Phuck Fylos.

Domesticated cannabinoid synthases amid a wild mosaic cannabis pangenome

It is also worth noting, there are currently no known genes responsible for cannabinoids such as CBC or CBN, and both cannabinoids are essentially leaked out of either the CBDA or THCA synthase genes. When a plant makes THC, it also makes a little CBC. When a plant makes CBD, it also makes a little THC and so on. This is also true with Delta 8 THC and all the other minor cannabinoids out there. 

Who knows what cannabinoids we will discover next!

Don't miss our lineup of THCV Seeds for sale here --->

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